Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Justin Nutter
803-490-7000 x10012
Shelley Allen
Chief Financial Officer
803-490-7000 x10061
Bryan Evans
Chief Operations Officer
803-490-7000 x10081
Greg Feeback
Director of Exceptional Children
Exceptional Children
803-490-7000 x10071
Leslie Hightower
Director of Federal Programs & Accountability
Federal Programs & Accountability
803-490-7000 x10015
Shannon Maddox
Adult Education Director
Adult Education
803-399-7979 x38011
Shaun Jacques
Student Services Administrator
Student Services
803-490-7000 x10019
Dawn Sargent
Educator Services and ML Administrator
Katelyn Singleton
Lead Psychologist
Exceptional Children
803-490-7000 x10074
Kelsey Sasser
School Psychologist
Exceptional Children
803-490-7000 x10079
Hunter Singleton
School Psychologist
Exceptional Children
803-490-7000 x10073
Dave Toole
Alternative Program Lead Teacher
Alternative Education
803-490-7000 x10301
Justin Cockrell
Technology Coordinator
Information Technology
803-490-7000 x10045
Debra Hoffman
Food Services and Maintenance Coordinator
803-490-7000 x10051
Lisa Ingram
Human Resources and Public Relations Coordinator
Human Resources
803-490-7000 x10031
Mallory Deaver
PowerSchool Specialist
Federal Programs & Accountability
803-490-7000 x10043
Jessica Livingston
Payroll Specialist
803-490-7000 x10063
Ladonna Smith
Accounts Payable Specialist
803-490-7000 x10062
Lynn Smith
Technology Specialist
Information Technology
803-490-7000 x10044
Russel Hebert
Information Technician
Information Technology