
Our Communications Department exists to provide a consistent and constant flow of information throughout the Lexington Four Community. Our team is committed to having an environment that shares timely information to all of our stakeholders. Recognizing student, staff, and school accomplishments is a top priority. We are responsible for managing district communications including press releases, public inquiries, Freedom of Information Requests, social media pages, and the district website.
It is our goal to expand community support and awareness of the District’s mission to “Lead, Learn, Serve, and Excel.” We look forward to answering your questions, providing accurate information, and advocating for our students and staff. Collectively, we can encourage and create opportunities to work together promoting and building upon the great things happening in Lexington Four!
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fee Schedule
Photocopying: The charge for photocopying is $0.10 per page for black and white copies or $0.80 per page for color pages, or the prevailing commercial rate at the time of the request.
Employee/Administrative Time: Information requests requiring more than one hour of staff time will be assessed at the hourly salary of the lowest paid school district employee who has the necessary skill to perform the request, as determined by the district.
Computer/Information Technology: Charges will be based on costs associated with the process. For the use of a CD, DVD or memory stick, there will be a $5.00 charge.
Estimation of fees and payment: The requestor will be notified of the charges assessed for fulfilling an information request. Actual costs will be recorded throughout the process, and will be reconciled with the requestor upon completion. A deposit of 25% of the reasonably anticipated cost for searching for, redacting, and copying the requested information may be required by the district prior to collection of information and/or fulfillment of the request.
District’s Address: Lexington County School District Four, 607 East Fifth Street, Swansea, SC 29160