School Improvement Council (SIC)
By state law, every SIC must have at least four different types of members: electedparents, elected teachers, appointed community members, and at least one ex-officio member who is the school principal. An SIC at a school serving grades 9-12, such as a high school or a junior high that includes 9th grade, must also have elected student representatives.
How Many Members Must an SIC Have?
The number of each type of SIC member should be listed in the SIC's bylaws. State law requires that an SIC must have at least the following number of members:
High School SICs (or other schools that include grade 9 or above):
at least two elected parents;
at least two elected teachers;
at least two elected students;
half as many appointed community members as the total number of elected members;
at least one ex-officio position for the current school principal.
Who is Eligible to Serve as a Teacher Representative?
Any teacher who is currently assigned to the school is eligible to serve for as long as he/she remains assigned to the school. Teachers may nominate themselves or be nominated by a fellow teacher at the school.
SIC Student Elections Who is Eligible to Serve as a Student Representative?
Any student may serve as an SIC representative for as long as he/she is enrolled in school and attending classes. An individual who is no longer enrolled as a student in the school may not continue to serve as a student representative, even if the individual has not completed his/her two-year term.
Who is eligible to serve as a Parent representative?
Any parent, guardian or other individuals who serves as a student’s primary caretaker is eligible to serve as a parent representative on the SIC for as long as he/she has at least one child enrolled in the school. An individual who no longer has a child enrolled in the school will immediately become ineligible to serve as a parent representative, even if the individual has not completed his/her two-year term. Parents can nominate themselves or be nominated by other parents
Who is a Community Member?
SICs were created to give a voice to all groups within the community that have a stake in their schools, including local taxpayers who do not currently have children in school. For that reason, principals should appoint as community member representatives individuals who:
do not currently have a child enrolled in the school;
are not employed by the school system;
live and/or do business in the school’s attendance zone or surrounding community.
What are the duties of the SIC officer positions?
The SIC Chair
The most important qualifications for serving as an SIC Chair are a strong commitment to assisting theschool in meeting its improvement goals and an ability to work well with others. It is particularly important that an SIC Chair be able to work in partnership with the principal as the Chair is the primarylink between the SIC and the principal.The Chair’s duties should be listed in full in the bylaws and should include:
leading SIC meetings;
preparing meeting agendas in consultation with the principal and ensuring that they are distributedand posted at least 24 hours in advance of meetings;
appointing SIC committee chairs and members;
monitoring SIC compliance with state law requirements.
The SIC Vice-Chair (or Co-Chair)
The Vice-Chair's duties should be listed in full in the bylaws and should include:
assisting the Chair during meetings;
leading meetings in the absence of the Chair;
assisting in preparing agendas, serving on or assisting with SIC committees, and providing generalsupport for SIC initiatives.
The SIC Secretary
The Secretary's duties should be listed in full in the bylaws and should include:
ensuring that the SIC's schedule of regular meetings for the year is posted on the school's website,included on the school's calendar, and/or posted at the entrance to the main school office;
recording attendance at each meeting;
taking meeting minutes and transcribing/distributing copies to members in a timely manner priorto the next SIC meeting;
serving on or assisting with SIC committees and providing general support for SIC initiatives;
maintaining a complete set of SIC records in a file located in the school office or other centrallocation.