Honoring All Who Served: Sgt. Jacob Caraway, CSM Dan Hagan, MSG Debra Daniels, Sgt. Vickie Jeffcoat-Hayes, E2 Dan Palmer, Cpt. Burton Able, SFC Earl Williams (Chief of Police), SPC Sam Johnson, and SFC Nakina Dawson
School Improvement Council is a legislatively-mandated group that works with the principal to provide input and support for the following school goals:
Student Achievement
Teacher/Administrator Quality
School Climate
SICs do not:
Adopt policy
Approve budgets
Approve personnel procedures
Select and evaluate the superintendent
SICs do
Help develop five-year strategic plan
Provide input for the Annual Report to Parents
Assist principals in writing the 425-word narrative for the S.C. School Report Card
Provide input on receiving incentive funds
Assist in annual revision of the five-year plan, if school is at risk
SIC Meeting Dates and Agendas
Dates coming soon